12 Reasons Why Apps Fail

It's definitely a hard work to stand out among the millions of apps in the internet. Here are 12 common mistakes app developers make which leads them towards the failure. [More]

The Uses of A.I. in Web Development

Artificial intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasizes the involvement and evolvement of intelligent machines. The use of A.I. more or less is to offer knowledge, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, learning, planning, and ability to manipulate and move objects. [More]

What are the major types of Marketing?

Marketing is basically the concept of the business for promoting and selling products or services to more buyers. It also includes finding new customers or market segment for selling products and services. [More]

Why use Graphics in your website?

A graphic may include graphical images, interactive images, textual images, animation, or videos. Graphics offer a versatility that photos simply can’t provide. It adds visual/aesthetic appeal to the information on the web page, helping to maintain viewer interest and attention. [More]